Master of Science (International Business) is offered in two (2) structures; coursework and full research.
Core Courses (24 credit hours)
BPMN6073 Research Methodology
GFMA5033 International Management
GFMA5053 International Marketing
GFMA5263 International Strategic Management
GFMA6043 International Business
GFMA6053 International Logistics
GFMA6063 Cross-cultural Management
GFMA6083 Multinational Firms
Elective Courses (6 credit hours)
Choose any two (2) courses from the following.
BEET5113 International Trade Theory
BJMP5023 Operation and Technology Management
BSMH5123 International Human Resource Management
BWBB5063 International Trade and Banking Practices
BWFF5043 International Financial Management
GFMA6093 Selected Issues in International Business
GMUL5063 Ethics, Law and Corporate Social Responsibilities
Research Paper (12 credit hours)
BPMZ69912 Research Paper
Students have to successfully complete the following:
Pass with at least B grade the following pre-requisite courses during the first two (2) semesters of their enrolment (i.e. before being allowed to defend their thesis proposal):
a) SZRZ6014 Research Methodology
b) SCLE6014 Academic Writing
Attend at least one(1) colloquium session;
Defend a research proposal to a committee:
a) Students must submit four (4) copies of their research proposal to the School/Graduate School att least 2 weeks prior to the proposal defence session;
b) The Research proposal should cover the following topics:
Chapter 1 - Background of the Study, Problem Statement, Research Questions, Research Objectives, Scope of the Study, and Significance of the Study.
Chapter 2 - Literature Review
Chapter 3 - Research Methodology
a. Research Framework
b. Hypotheses/Propositions Development - Attend a viva voce session to defend the thesis; and
- Submit a written thesis.
Office: +604 928 8455
Email: sois@uum.edu.my